Important API functions
We have created seperate bundles for specific API functions. An overview of most relevant functions and where they are defined can be found here:
- include/ Most basic functions, includes bundles below.
- serendipity_strftime: Date output function, uses local timezone offset (if configured)
- serendipity_fetchTemplateInfo: Get information about a specific theme
- serendipity_walkRecursive: Recursively walks an 1-dimensional array to map parent IDs and depths, depending on the nested array set.
- serendipity_fetchUsers: Fetch the list of Serendipity Authors
- serendipity_fetchAuthor: Fetch user data for a specific Serendipity author
- serendipity_sendMail: Sends a Mail with Serendipity formatting
- serendipity_utf8_encode: Encode a string to UTF-8, if not already in UTF-8 format.
- include/ Evaluates PHP runtime environment, operate on core variables (i.e. POST/GET short vars, magic quotes), define the error handler.
- serendipity_die: Outputs a fatal error
- errorToExceptionHandler: Handles PHP errors
- serendipity_specialchars: Drop-in replacement of htmlspecialchars() to deal with different charsets
- serendipity_entities: Drop-in replacement of htmlentities()
- serendipity_entity_decode: Drop-in replacement of html_entity_decode()
- include/ Calendar / time calculation
- include/functions_comments: Comment functionality
- serendipity_displayCommentForm: Display the Comment form for entries
- serendipity_fetchComments: Fetch an array of comments to a specific entry id
- serendipity_generateCommentList: Create a HTML SELECT dropdown field which represents all hierarchical comments
- serendipity_printComments: Print a list of comments to an entry
- serendipity_insertComment, serendipity_saveComment: Store the comment made by a visitor in the database
- serendipity_sendComment: Send a comment notice to the admin/author of an entry
- include/ Central functions for user-specific actions and internal routing / authentication
- serendipity_set_config_var: Sets a configuration value for the Serendipity Configuration
- serendipity_get_config_var: Retrieve a global configuration value for a specific item of the current Serendipity Configuration
- serendipity_get_user_config_var: Retrieve an author-specific configuration value for an item of the Serendipity Configuration stored in the DB
- serendipity_get_user_var: Retrieves an author-specific account value
- serendipity_set_user_var: Updates data from the author-specific account
- serendipity_getTemplateFile: Gets the full filename and path of a template file
- serendipity_load_configuration: Loads all configuration values and imports them to the $serendipity array
- serendipity_logout: Perform logout functions (destroys session data)
- serendipity_login: Perform login to Serendipity
- serendipity_authenticate_author: Perform user authentication routine
- serendipity_userLoggedIn: Check if a user is logged in
- serendipity_setCookie: Set a Cookie via HTTP calls, and update $_COOKIE plus $serendipity[‘COOKIE’] array.
- serendipity_getPermissions: Retrieves an array of applying permissions to an author
- serendipity_getPermissionNames: Returns the list of available internal Serendipity permission field names
- serendipity_checkPermission: Checks if a permission is granted to a specific author
- serendipity_getAllGroups: Returns all authorgroups that are available
- serendipity_fetchGroup: Fetch the permissions of a certain group
- serendipity_getGroups: Gets all groups a user is a member of
- serendipity_getGroupUsers: Gets all author IDs of a specific group
- serendipity_ACLGrant: Allow access to a specific item (category or entry) for a specific usergroup
- serendipity_ACLGet: Checks if a specific item (category or entry) can be accessed by a specific usergroup
- serendipity_ACLCheck: Checks if a specific item (category or entry) can be accessed by a specific Author
- serendipity_checkFormToken: Prevent XSRF attacks by checking for a form token
- serendipity_setFormToken: Prevent XSRF attacks by setting a form token within HTTP Forms
- serendipity_loadThemeOptions: Load available/configured options for a specific theme (through of a template directory) into an array.
- serendipity_loadGlobalThemeOptions: Load global available/configured options for a specific theme into an array.
- serendipity_hash: Return the bcrypt (with pre-hash) of a value (for storing passwords)
- include/ Central functions for entry-related actions
- serendipity_fetchCategoryInfo: Return the category properties of a specific category
- serendipity_fetchEntryCategories: Fetch a list of all category properties to a specific entry ID
- serendipity_fetchEntries: Fetch a list of entries
- serendipity_fetchEntry: Fetch a single entry by a specific condition
- serendipity_fetchEntryData: Fetch special entry data and attach it to a superarray of entries.
- serendipity_fetchEntryProperties: Fetches additional entry properties for a specific entry ID
- serendipity_fetchCategories: Fetch a list of available categories for an author
- serendipity_printEntries: Passes the list of fetched entries from serendipity_fetchEntries() on to the Smarty layer
- serendipity_updertEntry: Inserts a new entry into the database or updates an existing entry
- serendipity_deleteEntry: Delete an entry and everything that belongs to it (comments)
- include/ Central functions for operating on entries in the backend
- serendipity_printEntryForm: Prints the form for editing/creating new blog entries
- serendipity_emit_htmlarea_code: Emits the WYSIWYG code for plugins and entries in the backend
- include/ Central functions for media/image handling
- serendipity_fetchImagesFromDatabase: Gets a list of media items from our media database
- serendipity_fetchImageFromDatabase: Fetch a specific media item from the mediadatabase
- serendipity_updateImageInDatabase: Update a media item
- serendipity_deleteImage: Delete a media item
- serendipity_fetchImages: Open a directory and fetch all existing media items
- serendipity_insertImageInDatabase: Insert a media item in the database
- serendipity_makeThumbnail: Create a thumbnail for an image
- serendipity_generateThumbs: Creates thumbnails for all images in the upload dir
- serendipity_syncThumbs: Check all existing thumbnails if they are the right size, insert missing thumbnails
- serendipity_functions_gd: Wrapper for GDLib functions
- serendipity_calculate_aspect_size: Calculate new size for an image, considering aspect ratio and constraint
- serendipity_displayImageList: Display the list of images in our database
- serendipity_killPath: Recursively delete a directory tree
- serendipity_traversePath: Recursively walk a directory tree
- serendipity_getImageData: Given a relative path to an image, construct an array containing all relevant information about that image in the file structure.
- serendipity_showMedia: Prints a media item
- include/ Central functions for installer/configuration
- serendipity_updateLocalConfig, serendipity_installFiles: Writes .htaccess and
- serendipity_query_default: Check a default value of a config item from the configuration template files
- serendipity_parseTemplate: Parse a configuration template file
- serendipity_printConfigTemplate: Parses the configuration array and displays the configuration screen
- include/ Central functions for handling URL patterns
- serendipity_makeFilename: Converts a string into a filename that can be used safely in HTTP URLs
- serendipity_searchPermalink: Search the reference to a specific permalink
- serendipity_rewriteURL: Uses logic to figure out how the URI should look, based on current rewrite rule
- serendipity_makePermalink: Format a permalink according to the configured format
- serendipity_archiveURL, serendipity_authorURL, serendipity_categoryURL, serendipity_feedCategoryUrl, serendipity_feedAuthorURL: Create a permalink for specific permalink type
- serendipity_currentURL: Returns the URL to the current page that is being viewed
- serendipity_getUriArguments: Get the URI Arguments for the current HTTP Request
- include/ Central functions for handling the plugins management backend
- serendipity_plugin_config: Show the plugin configuration, parses all available configuration types
- include/ Central function for feed handling
- serendipity_printEntries_rss: Parses entries to display them for RSS/Atom feeds to be passed on to generic Smarty templates
- include/ Serendipity Smarty Framework, see below
- include/ Serendipity Smarty functions, see below
- serendipity_smarty_init: Central function to initialize Smarty framework and pass along parameters
- serendipity_smarty_fetchPrintEntries: Fetch and print a single or multiple entries
- serendipity_smarty_showPlugin: Be able to include the output of a sidebar plugin within a smarty template
- serendipity_smarty_hookPlugin: Be able to execute the hook of an event plugin and return its output
- serendipity_smarty_show: Render a smarty-template
- include/ Central functions for trackback handling
- add_trackback: Receive a trackback
- serendipity_handle_references: Search through link body, and automagically send a trackback ping.
- include/ Central functions for upgrader, holds list of deprecated files and functions and other conversion functions when migrating from older versions
- serendipity_removeDeadFiles_SPL: Empty a given directory recursively using the Standard PHP Library (SPL) iterator
- include/ Plugin API framework, see below
- serendipity_plugin_api_core_event_hook: Central function with which the Serendipity core can act as a plugin on it’s own and “listen” on specific events.
- serendipity_plugin_api: Central class for operating the plugin API
- serendipity_plugin_api::create_plugin_instance: Create an instance of a plugin.
- serendipity_plugin_api::enum_plugins: Searches for installed plugins based on specific conditions
- serendipity_plugin_api::probePlugin: Auto-detect a plugin and see if the file information is given, and if not, detect it.
- serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin: Instantiates a plugin class
- serendipity_plugin_api::getPluginInfo: Gets cached properties/information about a specific plugin, auto-loads a cache of all plugins
- serendipity_plugin_api::generate_plugins: Get a list of Sidebar plugins and pass them to Smarty
- serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event: Executes a specific Eventhook by checking all plugins that listen on the specified event
- serendipity_property_bag: Central class for making key/value stores available to plugins
- serendipity_property_bag::get: Getter
- serendipity_property_bag::set: Setter
- serendpity_plugin: Central core class for plugins
- serendipity_plugin::performConfig: Perform configuration routines. Called by Serendipity when the plugin is being configured.
- serendipity_plugin::install: Perform install routines
- serendipity_plugin::uninstall: Perform uninstall routines
- serendipity_plugin::cleanup: Garbage Collection, called by serendipity after insertion of a config item
- serendipity_plugin::introspect: The introspection function of a plugin, to setup properties
- serendipity_plugin::introspect_config_item: Introspection of a plugin configuration item
- serendipity_plugin::validate: Validate plugin configuration options.
- serendipity_plugin::generate_content: Output plugin’s contents (Sidebar plugins)
- serendipity_plugin::get_config: Get a config value of the plugin
- serendipity_plugin::set_config: Sets a configuration value for a plugin
- serendipity_plugin::register_dependencies: Auto-Register dependencies of a plugin
- serendipity_plugin::parseTemplate: Parses a smarty template file
- serendipity_event: Class for event plugins
- serendipity_event::event_hook: Main logic for making a plugin “listen” to an event
- include/ Extended Plugin API framework
- prepareReorder: Prepare a given one dimension array for reordering
- doReorder: Update table for re-ordering records
- isEmail: Check if a string is a valid email
- include/ Template API, see below
- include/ Smarty workflow intermediate, see below