Frequently Asked Questions
- General information
- Installation requirements
- Errors/Problems
- When I use mod_rewrite URL rewriting, I cannot access any files in subdirectories of my Serendipity install! If I go to any of my own URLs it keeps redirecting me to my blog plage!
- The search doesn’t work!
- What are the file permissions required to run Serendipity?
- Blog Is Blank
- When I save/preview an entry, it shows my admin panel in the preview section! Or: I need to login after each page request, and can’t perform any action!
- The dates / weeknames are not displayed according to my language, but all other things display correctly!
- Upgrading
- Operating Serendipity
- I’ve changed my SQL user password and now can no longer login to Serendipity!
- Help, my blog looks ugly, no stylesheets seem to be applied, and I get HTTP 404 errors or even 500 internal server errors all the way when browsing the page!
- The text in a blog entry has additional spacing
- Entries Display HTML
- What is “Spartacus”? How do I install Spartacus?
- How can my users subscribe to an entry?
- Customization request
- Blog editors/interfaces
General information
Where does the name Serendipity originate from?
While Serendipity in itself means “The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.”, the name of this project was described by Sterling Hughes as originating from two things:
- Manufactured Serendipity, an essay by Sam Ruby.
- Serendipity, the hot ass stripper in Dogma. Played by Selma Hayek.
What’s with this “s9y”, what does it mean?
“s9y” is an abbreviation of “Serendipity”, much like “i18n” is an abbriviation of “Internationalization”. The abbriviation is often used in the mailing lists and forums.
Installation requirements
How do I install serendipity?
Just download the .tar.gz to your server, unpack it inside your document root, make sure the created directory is writeable by the webserver (in most cases /chmod 770 serendipity/
will do) and open it in your web browser. You will see the installation screen that lets you set up serendipity. You’ll be up and running in about 2 minutes!
What system requirements does serendipity have?
You need a PHP installation (PHP 7.4 or newer) together with MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite . We also require the Apache webserver, because we utilize a number of internal functions to make Serendipity run correctly. To fully enjoy serendipity, you should have either ImageMagick’s convert binary installed on your server or a PHP installation with gd2 support (recommended).
Serendipity asks me for entering data to a database, but when I enter a name and install Serendipity it tells me the database does not exist
Serendipity requires that you have already setup the Database in your favorite database system. For MySQL you can create a database with CREATE DATABASE serendipity;
for example, on postgreSQL you can do that via createdb serendipity
. The username you enter in the Serendipity Installations also requires that this username already exists. On MySQL you create users via the “GRANT” feature subset. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to easily create users, or just enter the credentials you were given from your hoster. On postgreSQL you can create a user with createuser serendipity
for example.
The reason why Serendipity does not create a database automatically is because on most hosting providers you already have an existing database (like usrdb_htdu1_sql) and are not able to create more databases. To make serendipity detect that and guess the right user privileges would be too error-prone. So it is best that you create an empty database with the right privileges to use for Serendipity (assign CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, ALTER and INDEX privileges for the SQL user account).
When I use mod_rewrite URL rewriting, I cannot access any files in subdirectories of my Serendipity install! If I go to any of my own URLs it keeps redirecting me to my blog plage!
You need to put a .htaccess file into each subdirectory which is not related to Serendipty. The only contents of this file needs to be “rewriteengine Off”. With this you tell the Webserver that the directory is independent from Serendipity and thus no Serendipity Rewrite-Rules shall be applied
The search doesn’t work!
The search on mysql systems uses the internal fulltext mechanism of MySQL. That system only starts working to find entries once you’ve made a couple of them. With a single entry, the search never shows a result. Dummy entries only containing “test test test” will also not be found. This behaviour is documented on
What are the file permissions required to run Serendipity?
Serendipity’s installation usually ships with propper permissions within the tarball.
Upon installation, Serendipity needs to create the files .htaccess and That is why the core directory needs to be writable for your webserver user (775 or 777 on some installations). Those two files will then be created in a way, that Serendipity can always write to those files later on. It needs to be able to do that for upgrading purposes - so leave those files writable after installation. You can then re-adjust your core directory to be only executable for the webserver user (i.e. 755).
Then serendipity needs to be able to constantly have write and privileges for the directories templates_c, archives and uploads plus all the files contained there. templates_c is an empty directory when installing Serendipity and it holds the compiled Smarty Templates. archives holds additional temporary files, and uploads contains your media files. Always set those folders and files to be writable for your server.
If you are planning to use Spartacus, you also need to make the plugins directory writable for the webserver user, so that plugins can be downloaded to that directory. Also make templates writable for the webserver if you plan to download additional styles via Spartacus. The Spartacus configuration offers you an interface to tell which permissions (chmod/chown) it shall perform for those downloaded files.
To sum it up: After installation, the only permissions you may want to adjust are those of the core directory, which you can set to 755 (of course this depends on your user/group configuration - you need to know that on your own).
If you’re especially paranoid, also change the and .htaccess files to be only readable for the webserver. But then you need to remember to make those files writable when you upgrade Serendipity!
Blog Is Blank
Blank blog pages almost always mean the server has encountered an error. Luckily, web servers almost always keep track of errors in a log file. Ask your provider for the error logs for your web page; they’ll tell you what the problem is.
If you’re having trouble finding the logs, you can try modifying your .htaccess with these lines:
php_value display_errors on
php_value error_log /path/to/your/serendipity/errors.log
Of course, replace path/to/your/serendipity with the path to Serendipity on your server. Unfortunately, not all providers will allow you to do this. But if it works, you can read the errors.log in your Serendipity directory to determine the problem.
When I save/preview an entry, it shows my admin panel in the preview section! Or: I need to login after each page request, and can’t perform any action!
This can happen, if your Webserver/PHP is not properly configured to use HTTP Cookie sessions. Serendipity requests PHP to have HTTP Session cookies enabled, and the session extension properly working.
The dates / weeknames are not displayed according to my language, but all other things display correctly!
To display date and time formats specific to national conventions, Serendipity uses a system called “Locales”. This system is both available on Linux and Windows and adjusts the native language of the system. A system can contain multiple locales to choose from, and Serendipity employs them via the “LOCALES” constant found in your lang/
This means, one of the Locales specified there need to be existing on your server. You will need to ask your System administrator to install the locale you want to use or install it yourself with tools like “localegen”.
How do I upgrade Serendipity?
Serendipity has an automated upgrade system. You can upgrade from any Serendipity version starting from 0.4 to the latest version, even nightlies/snapshots - and you will not loose any previous content. First of all, you should make a backup of your existing installation by copying your whole directory and by creating a Database dump (use phpMyAdmin or something similar).
After you have done that, you only need to extract the new Serendpipity release files over your old directory. Make sure that you never delete the file, as it contains the most vital Serendipity configuration data.
SECURITY RECOMMENDATION: To make sure that only you are authorized to execute the update, edit your .htaccess file to block access only to your IP or create a username/password combination, as outlined in the detailed upgrade notes
Then go to your Serendipity Admin Panel and you will see the Serendipity upgrader.
It will tell you which version you are running, and which tasks are going to get executed. That means some PHP functions can be called, and some DB updates are called. The DB update files are stored in the sql/
subdirectory of Serendipity.
Before you continue the process, make sure that the PHP/Apache webserver is able to write to your
and .htaccess
file, and that the directory templates_c/
exists and is writable. You can change permissions using chmod commands in your favourite FTP or SSH client.
Also make sure that your configured database users are privileged to execute ALTER TABLE, CREATE TABLE and CREATE INDEX commands!
When you have ensured all the things mentioned, you can click on the Upgrade button.
If you encounter any errors on the next page, write them down carefully and go to ask the Serendipity Forums for help. Most errors happen if your SQL user does not have sufficient privileges, or one of the mentioned files could not be written.
My upgrade failed! (or: I cannot change permissions of my files)
Even though the Serendipity Team strifes to have the best upgrading facility, there might always been errors and you might want to re-execute your update.
In most cases it is no problem to re-execute an update of Serendipity. If you upgraded from Serendipity 0.8.5 to 0.9 for example, and your MySQL user had not sufficient privileges, you want to re-execute all SQL statements again.
The easiest method would be to restore the backup you made previously, and then run the upgrade again. If you haven’t made the backup or want to make it faster, you can do that by:
- Edit your
file. Usually that file is only writable for the Webserver. If you cannot modify it via SSH/FTP, you can create a simple fixperm.php script in your Serendipity directory with these contents:
chmod('/path/to/your/serendipity/', 0777);
On some hosts, the user as which your webserver runs is different than the user that you have FTP/SSH privileges for. In usual environments, your FTP user should be within the same group like your webserver user, so that you are able to modify files with the right umask. However, some providers might not think about that and thus deny you access to your own files. In those cases you also need the script above to change file permissions if you need to manually edit/delete a special file. Note that plugins copied by spartacus and images uploaded via the Serendipity Admin suite are affected by the same problem. You can change the default file/directory of the Spartacus plugin though by it’s configuration.
Then call that simple script via http://yourblog/serendipity/fixperm.php and the filepermissions will be changed so that you can write the file. For security reasons, change the permissions of the config file back to what it was previously after upgrading (like 0744 or so).
- Now that you can edit the file, locate the string
$serendipity['versionInstalled'] = '0.9';
- Just set the version to “0.8.5” or whatever version you upgraded from, then save the file and re-enter your Serendipity Config Panel. The upgrader will say hello to you once again and re-execute the steps!
How can I move an existing Serendipity installation to a different place (server or path)?
First, you copy over all files from your old server to the new server. Especially pay attention that you copy the .htaccess and files as well. If those files are not readable by your FTP user, you can use the little fixperm.php script from the “My upgrade failed!” section above to fix the permissions so that you can read the files.
Second you must migrate the database. Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to create a db SQL dump file. Re-import that file on your new server.
On your new server, make sure that all the permissions are set like they were on the old provider. Especially make sure that the files and .htaccess are read+writable by the server, and the directory templates_c/
and uploads/
is read+writable by the server.
Now edit the file, you might need to insert the new DB user account data into that file. You also might need to edit your .htaccess file to set the new paths properly.
Now you should be able to re-login into the Serendipity Admin panel without a problem. Go to your configuration and see if you need to reconfigure any of the paths listed.
If you had a lot entries or HTML nuggets where you manually used the path of Serendipity, and this has now changed, you need to manually edit the articles to insert the new URL!
Then you should be done.
Operating Serendipity
I’ve changed my SQL user password and now can no longer login to Serendipity!
If you change your SQL account password, you must change it for Serendipity as well. Go and edit your file to set the new password there. You might then also need to check your serendipity_config DB table and set the new password for the “dbPassword” row there as well, and then you can already access your blog again.
Help, my blog looks ugly, no stylesheets seem to be applied, and I get HTTP 404 errors or even 500 internal server errors all the way when browsing the page!
Serendipity offers several forms of URL Rewriting, to make your URLs look pretty. So instead of having the URL “http://localhost/index.php?article=1” you can have something nice like “http://localhost/archives/1-myentry.html”.
To achieve this, Serendipity either uses mod_rewrite or the Apache Errorhandling functionality. Both may not be available on all hosts, and require a certain setup (“Allowoverride All”) to apply rewriting within your .htaccess file. Serendipity tries to autodetect your best setting in the installer, but under certain circumstances, this might fail. Or you might even change the suggested setting during installation without knowing the problems.
The problems of enabling URL Rewriting without meeting the requirements are the problems you’re now having: Stylesheet URLs cannot be find, article links cannot be found and so on, or even your .htaccess might contain “dangerous” settings.
You can easily fix this by entering your admin panel with the “http://localhost/serendipity_admin.php” URL. Then enter the configuration area, and set “URL Rewriting” to “None” and save your config. Make sure your .htaccess file is writable!
Another problem that calls this symptoms is that your .htaccess file might not be parsed/readable by the webserver. Check your permissions or contact your provider to check the Apache errorlogs for detailed information.
What can also affect the symptom of “no stylesheets are used” is if you enabled the ‘embed’ directive in Serendipity Configuration. As mentioned in the Configuration, if you enabled this setting, you must take care for the HTML head and body sections for yourself, Serendipity only outputs the straight content and nothing different. So either disable the embed mode, or use it as intended. :-)
The text in a blog entry has additional spacing
Check your source using your browser’s View/Source capabilities. Are there extra
tags where the extra space occurs? If yes, deactivate the nl2br plugin.
Entries Display HTML
This is sometimes caused by the Wiki Markup plugin. If it’s installed, remove it and see if the problem is corrected.
The “Options for trustworthy editing on multi-user blogs” plugin can also cause this problem. It’s main purpose is to escape any HTML that was entered by a non-trusted user, so if you’re not one of the trusted users, your images and formatting will show up as HTML! Either add yourself to trusted users, or remove the plugin to correct the problem.
Other possible causes include entering HTML in the WYSIWYG editor and improper imports.
To enter custom HTML in the WYSIWYG editor, you must click the button that places the editor into tag-editing mode. Sometimes this is marked “View Source” or “Show HTML”. If you tried to enter, for instance, an tag in WYSIWYG mode, you’d see the
tag in your entry. Edit the entry to correct the problem.
If your imported entries display HTML tags, you’ll probably have to modify the database. The easiest method is to create a database dump. This is a plain text file; you can then edit it and replace all the instances of “<” with “<” and “>” with “>”.
What is “Spartacus”? How do I install Spartacus?
Spartacus is the name of the Serendipity Online Plugin Repository, and the name of the corresponding plugin of your Serendipity blog that connects to this repository.
You can view all the plugins of that repository on
To install the plugin on your Serendipity Installation, follow these instructions:
After installation, you go to your serendipity admin interface.
There you click on “Configure Plugins”. Then go down to the page and locate the link “Click here to install event plugins”. Click that link.
You will now see a list of default Serendipity Event Plugins you can install. Locate the Plugin called “Spartacus” and click on the install button next to it.
After you have done that you will see the configuration screen of that plugin. You can leave all settings as-is. If you later have any troubles with download you might want to play with the settings offered there.
Now the spartacus plugin is activated and will fetch a list of plugins the next time you choose to install a plugin. So go to the plugin manager again, click on the “Click here to install event plugins” link again. Now Spartacus should fetch plugins from the remote repository and display them to you.
If you get any network errors or download failures, either the repository mirror servers (SourceForge.Net or are down. Or your server might be firewalled and does not allow outgoing connections, in which case you’ll need to talk with your provider about this.
Now you can click on any plugin to fetch it; Spartacus plugins are indicated by a plugin with an additional arrow.
How can my users subscribe to an entry?
It’s possible to get an email whenever new comments are submitted to an entry by leaving your email address with a comment and checking the subscribe box.
If your users don’t want to leave comments, they’ll have to use the Comments RSS feed. The default templates don’t supply the comment feed for individual comments; to do this, you’ll need to edit entries.tpl and insert a line like this:
<a href="
cid={$}">RSS feed for this entry's comments</a>
Customization request
I don’t want to have comments and trackbacks in my blog!
First off, blogging is about getting contributions and comments. Having said that, you can turn of the comments and trackbacks by editing your entries.tpl template and removing the trackback/comment sections. Or you can also even use CSS to set “display: none” for those regions.
You can turn off to receive trackbacks/comments in the configuration of your spamblock plugin. To totally ban trackbacks from your site, you can edit the serendipity file comment.php After the first <?php add this:
if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'trackback') die('Disabled');
The other way you have is to edit your .htaccess file and add a mod_rewrite (if your server supports that, of course) rule to block calls to your comment.php:
((Rewrite Cond)) %{QUERY_STRING} ^.*type=trackback.*$ [NC]
((Rewrite Rule)) ^.*comment.php.*$ - [F]
If you do not want your blog to send outgoing trackbacks, you can edit your file (or, just as you prefer) and insert this line:
$serendipity['noautodiscovery'] = true;
This will make Serendipity not send any outgoing trackbacks.
How to fight spam
Use the Spamblock-plugins provided. We recommend the anti-spam trinity: the core Spamblock-plugin with its wide selection of anti-spam measures (be sure to reads its documentation, Spamblock-Bee with its honeypot and hidden captcha plus Spamblock-bayes, a local learning spamfilter.
I want to add some links / HTML to my blog!
See how to modify themes.
I want to keep one entry at the top
The Extended Properties for Entries plugin includes exactly this capability! Just install it from your admin screen like any other event plugin.
After it’s installed, an extended options section appears at the bottom of each entry while you edit it. Just click the “Make this entry sticky” box to make it appear at the top of any list it appears in.
How do I add PHP code to my templates?
Many ways lead to rome!
Register a custom smarty function
The coolest solution for you is to register a custom smarty function. For that, create (or edit) a file “” inside your template directory. Then register your markup like this:
$serendipity['smarty']->register_function('my_custom_function', 'my_custom_function');
function my_custom_function($params, &$smarty) {
return 'I customized this: ' . $params['stuff'];
Then you can just edit your template (index.tpl, for example) and place this piece of code somewhere:
{my_custom_function stuff="Cool!"}
With the same way, you can also include foreign PHP applications:
$serendipity['smarty']->register_function('my_custom_function', 'my_custom_function');
function my_custom_function($params, &$smarty) {
include 'my_existing_tool.php';
return my_existing_function($params);
Use Smarty’s {php} tags
Another way to embed your custom PHP code is to use Smarty’s {php} tags. For that you first need to disable the Smarty security setting within your template file:
$serendipity['smarty']->security = false;
Then you can use this in your index.tpl:
include "my_existing_tool.php";
Create your own plugin
The third and often the best way is to create your own plugins that deal with content. You can then access them with {serendipity_hookPlugin …} smarty calls.
I don’t want the login screen to expose the s9y and PHP version
Per default, s9y’s login screen exposes the s9y and PHP version you’re using. If you would like to disable this for security reasons, you can set
$serendipity['expose_s9y'] = false;
in your
. Since this file is not part of the s9y core distribution, this is safe in case of an update to s9y.
Blog editors/interfaces
Performancing for Firefox setup
Serendipity supports Performancing for Firefox (PFF) through our XML-RPC plugin. You’ll need Firefox version 1.5 or better with the PFF extension installed. (There is currently no Serendipity preset in Performancing for Firefox. If enough of us write to them and request it, that could easily change!)
Start PFF and make the following settings in the “account wizard”:
- Blogging Service = Custom Blog
- Blog System = Movable Type
- Server API URL =
- User Name = {your Serendipity user name}
- Password = {your Serendipity password}
- click on “next”
- follow the further description
At this time, Performancing does not support extended bodies. We’re working to help extend this popular blogging application!
POPfetcher: Posting new entries by email
Serendipity’s POPfetcher plugin allows you to post new entries just by emailing them to your blog!
First, get yourself an email account only for adding blog entries. Either you can create a mail adress on your hosting server, or use a free POP3 service like or Gmail. Let’s pretend you picked up [email protected]
Next, install the POPfetcher plugin. Enter the username and password to the blog Email account in the POPfetcher configuration. You’ll also need to tell it what host the POP3 mail server is running on. In our example, the user is blog-this
, and the host is
Now you can write a mail to the account. In our example, just send it to [email protected]
. The content of the mail will be used as the blog entry.
When you want Serendipity to check the mail, log in to your Admin screen and click the “Fetch Mails” link. POPfetcher will connect to the mail account, fetch all its mails, and insert them as Serendipity entries. Alternatively, just set your browser’s “Go” or address bar to the special URL: http://{yourblog}/index.php?/plugin/popfetcher_poll
(You could even bookmark it and visit the bookmark whenever you feel like checking blog mails.)
Of course, you probably want Serendipity to check the mail account automatically. Unfortunately, blogs like Serendipity don’t run all the time; they can only perform tasks when they’re called.
You could hire an army of monkeys to visit that special URL regularly. Or you could use the “cron” utility. Cron acts like an army of monkeys that perform tasks as often as you tell them to. Any cron facility will do; some webservers offer them, and every Linux installation has cron.
Just configure cron (or the crontab, if that’s how your cron utility works) to visit the popfetcher_poll
URL every hour with a lightweight browser, such as lynx or wget.
Windows Live Writer setup
Serendipity supports Windows Live Writer through our XML-RPC plugin. There is now a Serendipity preset in Windows Live Writer! Unfortunately, it does not configure Live Writer properly to interact with Serendipity.
Thanks to Xeno Phage from the Serendipity forums for the following information:
- Install Windows Live Writer and set your blog up as “Custom (Moveable Type API)”. Make sure you have the xmlrpc plugin installed in Serendipity.
- When it asks for the URL to post, it will be something like this:
http://{full path to Serendipity}/serendipity_xmlrpc.php
- Give it your login info and you’re good to go. Categories, keywords (tags), and trackbacks all seem to work fine.